L'ANC de La Garriga ha enviat un missatge d'agraïment al diputat europeu que va reivindicar el dret de Catalunya a decidir el seu futur

Missatge enviat des de l'ANC la Garriga a l'eurodiputat Derk-Jan Eppink agraint la seva compareixença al Parlament Europeu reivindicant el dret dels catalans a decidir el seu futur (24 d'octubre de 2012).

És destacable que mentre els eurodiputs dels verds i els liberals voliem debatre al Ple Europeu la reprovació d'Alejo Vidal Quadras per les seves declaracions a Intereconomia, els socialistes ho van impedir, a més de forçar la dimissió de Maria Badia (PSC) com a secretaria de la delegació socialista espanyola. 

El text complert el trobareu llegint la resta de la notícia...

Dear Mr. Eppink,

We contact you from a small town north of Barcelona called la Garriga (http://www.lagarriga.cat/). The people signing the message are a section of the Assemblea Nacional Catalana (http://www.assemblea.cat/ ), working in la Garriga for the independence of Catalonia. (http://lagarrigaperlaindependencia.blogspot.com/)

We would like to thank you for the support you gave our cause by speaking on our behalf in the European Parliament.

Words like the ones Mr. Vidal Quadras spoke a few weeks ago against the Catalan people reveal the cause of the long standing problem we Catalans have with Spain. The lack of recognition of many Spaniards to our fundamental rights has taken us where we are today.
Many of us have said: enough! We do not see any future within Spain anymore. We need our freedom to move forward and to develop our full potential by ourselves.

Spain, in many ways, has not changed since the dark times of Franco. Many of the things the Spanish government and the Spanish politicians tell us today, when we peacefully request our right to decide, are the same things Franco would have said. They would probably have used the force already if it wasn’t for the many eyes watching our process all over the world.

Fortunately, the Catalan government seems decided to listen to the Catalan people and to move forward towards freedom, in a pacific and democratic way. But the Spanish Government doesn’t want to listen to the Catalan people and keeps absurdly referring to a rigid interpretation of the Spanish Constitution, leaving no space for freedom or for understanding or even tolerance.

In this scenario, full of hope as well as deception, we appreciate any help from outside voices. Only with foreign support will this cause succeed. Spaniards will never allow our freedom unless forced by international democratic laws.

Mr. Eppink, please receive our deepest thanks for your courage, understanding and high standard of justice. It is only with the help of people like you that we will be able to become what a growing number of Catalans wish to be: citizens of a new European state.

We are sending you a link with a video taken during our village’s last activity organized by us. In it you will see the peaceful and cheerful attitude our people have in this and all pro-independence demonstrations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=c7JUtx87m48

Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information. And if you ever visit our land, please let us welcome you in our village.


Neus Portet
On behalf of the people of the ANC la Garriga

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